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Uff hermano.

esta cosa tiene alto potencial, se podria agregar un relog para quienes quieren pasar el juego como un reto.

y tambien un contador de puntos por partes denadas y movimentos.



I like this game! No problems. 👍


Love the game, best I can do is firing only one shot in the entire runthrough, so that's pretty challenging.


How did you beat the subway/train level with one shot? I'm stuck on that one.


first kick the armored guy at the left to the not armored guy to the left (also go forward as hes being launched) after that grab that same guy throw him at the other armored guy and use the other guy to kill him ez pz

bro after I shot the first dude it just doesn't let me shoot at all. 


ez game boi


this is a super cool game ! I wish there could be more levels


Very cool, I love the art style and gameplay variety!


anger foot vibes


Somehow glitched outside the map


That was a fun experience. Didn't expect some of that to happen.

Thanks for making the vid :)


Great game.Finished all the levels without using any bullets (except for the one where I have to shoot the glass under the enemies)

you can right click the glass

Step 1: get caught immediately for the first time

Step 2: Hold w then restart

Step 3: kick each enemy ASAP

If that don't work:
1: Get Caught

2: Press E on restart

If you get the right timing you go invisible

both of them doesn't work the 1st thing you don't have enough time for a kick frame to register either too far, missed, the hitbox can't spawn fast enough before getting caught

the 2nd thing even if you went invisible right as the frame started the enemies will catch on to you and forcibly remove you from invisibility

I'll try to make a video doing it


This is a really good game 10/10

Thanks for playing and making the vid :)


very nice


wow really good game need red handed 2


I beat the game without firing a single shot, 10/10, I want Red Handed 2


thats a lie but ok..



Love the game


Good Game


nice game


Played it like five times throughout the last 3 days, hope there will be more. Thank you.


Fun game, good art and an amazing job, would play more 10/10 <3


i cant stop replaying this 


Wow. This looks, plays and feels amazing. Nice work


nice job 10/10

(1 edit) (+1)

its very fun




Bug report:

When you land on an enemy with armor, you begin levitating


You probably won't, but you should add some harder levels. You can beat the whole game without using the gun. Regardless, fun game, good job.

(2 edits) (+2)

How could you possibly clear the 4 armored guys on glass without using the gun?

You can't kick, because you can't kick when you're seen. You also can't go invisible for the same reason.

And you can't grab them because they're armored.

If there's any way to do it at all, I expect it to be exploit, but as of right now, I don't see any way to do it.

You were right about every other level, though. Thanks for the challenge.

Edit: One bullet on that level may be possible, but extremely hard.


I did the only one bullet!!!

i also did 1 bullet but i atleast have proof


Very nice!


very creative idea, good job!


Red Handed Walkthrough


i beat the game with having a least 1 bullet left at the end of each level


me too :D end is hard tho

(2 edits)

All but one level can be cleared without using the gun at all.

Someone claimed it was every level, but I don't see how you can do the four armored guys on glass without the gun. I might go back and see if I can do it with only one bullet.

Edit: Might be possible with one bullet. Extremely hard.

Looks possible with two bullets. Very hard.

well i only took a few tries but 1 bullet is possible

me too granted it was my second attempt but it was a fun little challenge for myself.




I've honestly tried making a video on this a few times, but had issues on my end (nothing to fault the game), so it's in a 3 games video I did. Honestly extremely fun puzzle shooter, sort of its own thing in a way. Id love to see more levels added, I haven't seen many games take an FPS route on a puzzle situation like this. Awesome work!

If you haven't seen Superhot, check it out. It seems very likely it inspired this game.

I've played some of it back when it was popular, never finished it personally, but there's a fair bit of inspiration from SuperHot in Red Handed to say the least. I personally like the puzzle aspect in Red Handed  better, it's not often you see puzzle shooters, but this one is awesome!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't inspired by SuperHot lol

This entire game was inspired by Metal Gear Solid V's reflex mode

Interesting. I'm pretty sure Superhot predates MGSV, so maybe that mode was inspired by Superhot. I haven't played it, so I can't guess.

That said, there's a lot of similarity, but taken as individual pieces, I supposed each idea isn't that individually unique.




Great concept, fun execution. Feels in the vein of a SUPERHOT, with a unique vision.

Bug report:

For some reason my cursor has a slight drift the entire time! It doesn't make the game unplayable but it is weird.


good game 5/5


Hi! We played your game on stream and really enjoyed it!


Just saw the video lol

Thanks for playing :)

(1 edit) (+4)

i just beat all levels except one without using the gun


I love it


If you want a fun extra challenge, try beating the game while avoiding shooting at all costs. Every level is possible without firing a single gunshot, except the very first one (1 shot required) and the "shoot the glass under them" one, which requires 4 (grabbing and throwing any of the guys will just hit the glass below, not the other dudes). Some others require LOTS of thinking, planning, precision and speed though, so make sure you know how to use best all of the game's mechanics (except aerial takedown) before attempting this

Anyways, amazing game I come back to every so often to have a fun time

(1 edit) (+2)

you can beat the first one

Yeah, I just realized there's a small window where you can move forward before being seen... lol

here is how to beat the first one
(1 edit)

Two theoretical possibilities for the 4-armored-on-glass.

1. You have to fire once. Grab that guy, throw him into the next, grab him, next, grab him, next. This may be possible, but the glass is finicky and the timing is tight.2

2. You have to fire twice. Shot and grab the first guy, throw him such that the glass breaks under another guy. Do that again with the third and fourth. This is less finicky, but still hard. I didn't manage to do it before I accidentally pushed esc and closed the game. It definitely looked possible, though.

well those arent "Theoretical possibilities" anymore

i did them both with 2 shots and 1 shot i got super lucky with the throwing i hit all of them with the throw instead of glass

i didn't get a picture of the 2 shot one but beating it on 1 shot is good enough

the 4 armored guys is duable on using 1 shot i got lucky getting them hit with the grab instead of the glass breaking

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