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Wow, that's perfect game for jam! Cool gameplay, will be waiting for updates!


Great game!! I wish there was more levelss, maybe some explosions? moving vechiles? Stealth challanges? heh, just some thoughts, the game overall is great, the simplicity is what attracted me :D


yea that would be nice

(1 edit) (+2)

Doing a melee only challenge, some levels seem impossible to do it tho but you can cheese some that definitely weren't supposed to be possible melee


You can actually do almost every level saving atleast one bullet so mostly melee runs are definitely possible. Completely melee runs though, not really lol

Unless you cheese it as you say XD



Every level is possible in exactly one bullet, most levels are possible in zero (like the final level)

Yeah, playing it again I realised it lol


Some of the solutions to do it 1 bullet are really cool


really cool, reminds me of super hot


yYaaAAAaay Update :)


Good job Bad Piggy ! The last puzzle's tip confused me a little bit ^^

(1 edit)

Thanks :). Did you get it in the end  ? XD


Yes I got it after several tries :)


Great game mechanic! I really like the slow down effect. Was that inspiration from MGS? My only problem is that the game is too short... I kind of wanted to play around with the mechanics more!

Yes. It was primarily inspired by MGS V :)




This game is sooo COOL!!!!!


please make more


Nice game

I mean, it's neat and all, but you should give some credit to Superhot, which I can tell heavily inspired this game. Good job for under 3 days though!

(1 edit)

My primary inspiration was actually the mechanic of Reflex mode from Metal gear solid V :)

what about the art style?

It's pretty much the same art style that I've used for two of my other games on itch


can confirm. this is an artistic bad piggy game through and through. its their biggest hook and this is their best game...SO FAR.

Damn, thanks guys :)

Muy Bueno, saludos desde Cuba

Muy Bueno, saludos desde Cuba


What this could use is a boss fight for sure. I love the gameplay. Maybe a sword would fit?

Deleted post

i like that game so much


really fun game


really i need more, because you don't have to download the game to play it smooth, and it says too much because my internet is shit lol

So is mine lol


Is a good game to pass the time , it just need more hard levels pleeeease



muy bueno :D saludos desde argentina che


An absolutely class game:) Short, sweet, snappy. A good rise in challenge, but building on the mechanic as you go! And it was super satisfying to watch them all drop afterwards. Ace job!




realy fun


I enjoyed it!


Hey :)

Thanks for making a video


very smooth


Wow! Great game! Short and crisp, a walkthrough would have been nice tho :/

I cant kick down the door!

It's a bug with the webgl version. Refreshing the page does the trick


Super sick game, made a youtube video on it but havent uploaded it yet, like the Doom-ish feel to it

Wow, Thanks for that.

Looking forward to see your run :)


im going to see how fast my speedrun was, but i have a slow laptop and i think itt might affect the time :(

(2 edits) (+1)

i finished it in 29.22 seconds, nice

and i made a youtube video, 

(1 edit)

Niiiiice :)

Deleted post

Browser went okay for me. This was really neat.


Browser version was fine

I Won AND Lost!

lol. I'll try and fix this bug for the post-jam version


did in 01' 29' '140''' (it's pretty bad duh)


The game is sooooo broken.


I love this game

I wish it was longer though

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