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Super sick. I love how the enemies only attack once they die. It adds a really cool element of planning to the game, where if a wave spawns and I see a bunch of pink dudes lined up, I can do a little bit of prep work getting into the right position to dodge before I actually aim the saw.

I really appreciated how enemy waves tended to alternate sides. It made it so that when new enemies spawned, it was rare for them to all just die instantly (leading to a big burst of bullets I might not have been expecting). It goes back to the aspect of planning I mentioned earlier.

Also having the option to reset the size of the buzzsaw was really interesting. At first I was like “why would I ever give up the big saw?” but the big saw, despite being more powerful, makes planning around enemy spawns way harder. Surprisingly cerebral, very cool tradeoff.

Great work dude, good luck at the jam!


Hey, thanks for playing, and that's a really great score :)

I'm glad the game loop of needing to adjust the size of your sawblade shown through lol.


Wow this game is so fun! Easy to learn hard to master


Wow this is a very fun retro game


Great score and thanks for playing :)


new bad piggy game give my brain happy chemical


This game is like a Risk of Rain.
When I feel what I'm good at it... it's throwing a saw at me...


Nice. Death pong or brick game but they shoot at you.


Very cool game