GDD for pirate jam


1. Introduction

2. Player experience

3. Development software

4. Target audience

5. Usage of theme and overall concept

6. Presentation

7. Design

8. Controls

9. Player mechanics

10. Enemy mechanics

11. Development timeline

1. Introduction :

Lightrazer is a pure action game where you wield the power of the lightrazer

Inspired by other games such as ( but not limited to .... ) 
- The original Greek God of War games
- Devil May Cry 1 and 3

2. Player experience :

The game has 5 levels in total
- 1 tutorial level
- 3 combat arenas
- 1 boss at the end
The game is primarily about learning the combat system and aiming for a higher score over time

3. Development software :

- Unity 2018.3
- Photoshop cs6

4. Target audience :

Players who are at the very least, familiar with elements of combat in other games

5. Usage of theme and overall concept :

Enemies drop shadow essence which a player can then absorb and 
       - Regain health
                   ( OR )
       - Power up a super attack more quickly

6. Presentation :

2.5D styled pixel art with the below pallete to ensure both a striking visual style and readability

The camera system makes use of both fixed camera angles during moments of down-time, and dynamic angles during combat

music and sfx taken from pixabay

7. Design :

The game is an action game first and foremost, and so the level design has been kept simple to ensure that player's can focus on the combat above all else.

There is a story to help contextualise the events of the game, but it's mostly environmental storytelling so that it doesn't get in the way of the action

8. Controls : ( Primarily for Keyboard )

J, K, L

9. Primary player mechanics :

3-hit combo- 2 hits followed by a knockback attack
- If this combo is used on multiple enemies, then out of all the enemies hit, the one closest to the player will stay and get hit whereas the others will teleport away to prevent the player from mindlessly spamming
- Cannot cancel other abilities of the player
- Can be cancelled by dodges
Dash- A player can dash in any direction they're moving in with i-frames
- Can cancel attacks
- Cannot be cancelled by other abilities of the player
Absorbing essence- A player can absorb essence dropped by enemies to regain health
- Cannot cancel other abilities of the player
- Can be cancelled by dodges
Special attack- Can be performed at any point by the player in their combo
- Gives a combo bonus for every successful hit
- Cannot cancel other abilities of the player
- Cannot be cancelled by any other abilities of the player

10. Enemy mechanics :

Grunt Shadow Ninja- Moves towards the player and attacks when near
- Teleports away after attack
- Can be knocked back
- Cannot teleport away when hit by multiple non-knock back attacks
Throwstar Shadow Ninja- Throws a throwstar ( heh .... ) at the player after a certain amount of time has passed
- Teleports away after attack
- Can be knocked back
- Can teleport away when hit by continuous normal attacks
Elite Shadow Ninja( Combination of the above enemy types i.e )
- Moves towards the player and attacks
- Teleports away after attack and throws throwstar
- Can be knocked back
- Can teleport away when hit by continuous normal attacks
The other disciple- Performs an attack similar to the player's special attack
- Teleports away after attack
- Cannot be knocked back
- Cannot teleport away when hit by continuous normal attacks

11. Development timeline :


LightRazer (Webgl).zip Play in browser
49 days ago
LightRazer (PC).zip 27 MB
49 days ago

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